Press Release Of The Day: "Miami Vice" Gunman A Poor Shot

Early this morning, Universal Pictures issued this press release involving an incident near the Miami Vice location shoot in the Dominican Republic:
Shots Fired Outside 'MIAMI VICE' Filming Location — No cast and crew were hurt
On Monday, October 24, 2005, outside of the Plaza Maria de Toledo hotel in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where a Universal Pictures production crew was filming scenes for the movie "MIAMI VICE," several gun shots were fired. The cast and crew of the production were filming on the third floor of the hotel when it is believed that an individual fired a weapon outside the property, following an alleged altercation with the production's security. The security returned fire and the individual was shot. At this point in time, the individual's condition is not clear. None of the film's cast and crew was hurt. It is believed that an investigation by Santo Domingo local authorities is under way regarding the incident, and the production is cooperating with this investigation.
Universal has to be devastated. They paid good money to have Colin Farrell bumped off during filming outside of the States, knowing that a tragic death could bring huge opening weekend ticket sales, but knew they were taking a risk trusting the task to foreign, nonunion labor. Maybe they'll have better luck with the upcoming Miami "yacht accident."