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On Monday, we drooled over a Page Six item suggesting that flamey Observer vixen Jessica Joffe, having ended her relationship with mega-socialite Jamie Johnson, was now spending her evenings clutched in the gritty arms of disquieting indie rockster Ryan Adams. Surely this cannot be true! we thought. But WHAT IF? What of Adams's ex-lovebunny, East Village fixture/actress Parker Posey?

It's a few days old but, courtesy of the other hemisphere, an Australian paper reports that Parker Posey, who's currently in Australia filming Superman Returns, had been renting a luxury apartment (which she apparently trashed) "with her partner, Jason Rail, a make-up artist and hairstylist."

Well, shit. Do be cautious on Avenue A, where we suspect Adams will be a bit more violently drunk than usual.

A Villain's Role Continues Off-Screen [SMH]