Agents' Secrets, Man: Find the Hidden Nina

Variety carried the (somewhat old) news yesterday of a "premiere Gotham lit agenc[y's]" recent demise. Collins McCormick — home to some of our favorite journo/author folks, like Hard Newser Seth Mnookin, menschy cad Rick Marin, and an earlier, now-Transomisitic, incarnation of ourselves — broke up a week ago, and the Hollywood trade repeats the farewell email from primo partner Nina Collins:
In a memo to editors obtained by Daily Variety, Collins said she would continue her own agency under the name Collins Literary. David McCormick will strike out on his own, and Williams also will be founding her own agency, likely taking along Mark.
Well, yes. More or less. An email sent to Manhattan bookworld folks this morning might contain some surprising news for Collins:
David McCormick and Amy Williams are pleased to announce the formation of McCormick & Williams literary agency....
McCormick and Williams are joined by managing partner Leslie Falk and PJ Mark as senior agent and foreign rights director. Falk was with Brill's Content, IMG, and Collins McCormick. Mark was a literary scout, a reporter for, and an agent and foreign rights manager at Collins McCormick. Gillian Linden, formerly of Cambridge University Press, joins as office assistant.
McCormick. Williams. Falk. Mark. Linden. Um, that would be everyone who worked at Collins McCormick. Except for Collins. And her assistant.
The Variety article noted "reported tension between the partners." We should say so.
Lit Agency Calls It Quits [Variety]
Related: Collins McCormick [Official site]