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This morning we put the following blind items in your grubby hands:

• Which Cond Nast honcho is cheating on his wife again? This time it s with a petite blonde with whom he recently had a romantic dinner at Da Umberto. When he saw people he knew, he left and five minutes later she followed him out. They kissed on the street and got in his car and left.

You said: Uh, crickets, anyone? We totally thought you'd have a feeding frenzy with this one, but you were either stumped or crippled with Condé-mandated fear. The only guesses were for CEO Chuck Townsend or prez Richard Beckman, both of whom totally saw you send those emails and are going to fire you.

• Which pregnant Russian supermodel is showing how uptight American mothers are? She not only continues to drink, she smokes pot.
You said: Calvin Klein model Natalia Vodianova, without a doubt. She recently announced her second pregnancy, and she looks just "gorgeously retarded" enough to endanger her unborn child. There were no other guesses, as the world can only contain exactly one pregnant Russian supermodel at a time.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game