Short Ends: Celebrities Shattering Eardrums

· Our pals at TVGasm have collected some predictably horrifying (but still magical) clips from last night's debut of But Can They Sing? For a sneak preview of the last noise you'll hear when your soul slips out of your body for good, listen to Bai Ling's rendition of "Like a Virgin."
· Maddox Jolie is also an excellent last-minute costume idea, as long as you're willing to live with a mohawk for a couple of weeks.
· So Martha's all, "Fuck the Donald, I'm taking over the whole franchise," but Trump goes, "Hey, low-rated cookie-baking beeyotch, you can bite my doily, I ain't going nowhere." You know, to paraphrase.
· Baldwin, Basinger wage heated battle for control of Ireland.
· Geraldo Rivera owns a DVD of Soul Plane. More shocking: He actually paid for it.