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Because it's much cheaper to fill a Las Vegas arena with bored, unpaid extras than to shell out for budget-busting CGI fans, offers you the chance to participate in the most desperate movie comeback of our time:

Come Join Us on the Film Set of this Now in Production… Amazing ROCKY BALBOA Sequal!

With All The Stars & Film Fun You Can Handle. Sylvester Stallone and "Light Heavyweight Champion" Antonio Tarver And MANY MORE STARS as they are signed onto the film, will be on the set with you Filming some of the most exciting Boxing Sequences ever...

Along with the Director, Actors, Extras, Cameramen, Makeup Artists, Special Effects and Stunt Men.This will be a fun day of Movie Making Experiences You'll Never Forget. You Will Be There As: Rocky Balboa Takes on the Universe! [...]

Though you are not a paid extra today, this is a great opportunity to come and see f this is something you might wish to pursue in the future as work. Today is about coming and having Fun and Seeing what film making is all about!

No, they aren't paying, but the organizers are holding raffles for some valuable prizes, like TVs, DVDs, and gift certifcates. Consider these a token thank you for your valuable time—and your implicit agreement to testify that the unlikely event of Stallone's ring death was an accident, not a sixty year-old heart's brave choice to stop beating rather than further ruin a once-proud cinematic legacy.