UPDATE: Goodbye, Marmont. Hello, Grove 2?

When he isn't sitting in model-tripping front row seats at Marc Jacobs fashion shows with main cupcake, Uma Thurman, Andre Balazs has a hotel empire to run. But could the jewel in his bed n' breakfast crown be up for grabs? From today's Page Six:
Hotelier Andre Balazs is said to be considering selling storied Hollywood hotspot Chateau Marmount. We're told that British real-estate gazillionaire Mams Mesforoush has offered him upward of $45 million for the 67-room celebrity hangout. Mesforoush, who recently split with actress Lara Flynn Boyle, made the offer after Balazs reportedly turned down a lowball bid by members-only club Soho House. But a source close to Balazs told us, "The Chateau Marmount is not for sale."
We think the Chateau narrowly dodged a bullet with that Soho House takeover attempt; we've heard their patrons partake in illicit behavior and infidelities, two practices that simply would not fit in at the family-friendly Sunset Strip establishment. But coupled with reports that the hotel's independently managed Bar Marmont has just quietly shut its doors, we can't help but wonder what Balazs has in mind for the LA institution. The Grove 2? The image of the next John Belushi keeling over in a Cheesecake Factory booth just doesn't quite have the same Hollywood-myth magic to it.
UPDATE: An operative gives us the real deal on Bar Marmont's impending fate. It's after the jump.
Actually, Bar Marmont has not been closed for good. Its being "re-done" in a much needed nip/tuck to become relevant again. Andre Balazs hired (or transferred, as he was already working at another Balazs property) Standard Lounge General Manager Wendall to oversee the soon to be re-opened den of ill repute. Wendall has been seen canoodling in the hotel lobby bar on many occasions recently. As the hammers pound away right down the Hill.
So rest easy, Marmontniks. Your boite-away-from-home shall reopen its doors soon. And you won't have to sidestep a water fountain dancing to "That's Amore" to get to it!