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· The New Paramount™ president Gail Berman loves to laugh, telling Var, "Comedy, comedy, comedy. I love comedies," Who knew? She's greenlit a Jackass: The Movie sequel, demonstrating her ardor for chuckling at guys who staple their scrotums to various objects. [Variety]
· Reese Witherspoon is developing the dramatic thriller The Reckoning as a starring vehicle through her Type A Films shingle at Paramount. Clearly, Gail Berman's seen Just Like Heaven and realizes that comedy, comedy, comedy might not be the way to go with Reese right now. [THR]
· More on the Warner Bros. layoffs: Warner Independent production head Michael Andreen is also felled in the bloodbath. [Variety]
· CBS wins a sixth straight week in the Nielsen wars, mass suicides in NBC's utterly demoralized programming ranks to follow. [THR]
· ICM suddenly finds itself with $100 million in new investment capital, but what to do with all this cash? Buy an agency? Encourage senior members to retire with fat pockets? Hire a small army of gold-plated hookers to service the entire staff? Yeah, they'll probably go with that last one. [Variety]