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Is Amanda Scheer-Demme's celebrity-fellating nightlife empire crumbling around her? The AP reports that former Denver Broncos running back Terrell Davis has filed suit against Scheer-Demme, accusing the hostess of a racially motivated cockblock at a post-Emmy party hosted at the Tropicana Bar. Davis's lawsuit also alleges that Scheer-Demme ordered her "attack dogs to physically assault and eject Davis from the private party," a punishment usually reserved for the likes of Tara Reid after a misunderstanding involving the definition of a "bottomless margarita." Defamer's obtained the actual court filing (click here to download), but we suspect that you lack the attention span to wade through the entire document, so we've helpfully transcribed two particularly compelling sections for your convenience:

2. Too hip for her own good or too full of herself. It seems that in an effort to ruin the latest hot and trendy club/bar in town, Amanda Scheer-Demme is not only highly selective of who crosses the velvet rope into the four-month old Tropicana Bar at the Hollywood Hotel Roosevelt, Amanda Scheer-Demme also uses her goose-stepping security guards to physically assault and batter invited guests. At a post-Emmy Award after-party hosted by TV Guide at the Tropicana, on information and belief, Amanda Scheer-Demme instructed her uniformed gorillas to physically attack Super Bowl XXXII MVP Terrell Davis. Terrell Davis had the apparent temerity to ask an employee of the Tropicana why Tropicana personnel would not permit his black acquittance to speak with a white waitress. In response to Davis's inquiry, on information and belief, Scheer-Demme told her attack dogs to physically assault and eject Davis from the private party.

18. After the verbal altercation with Scheer-Demme and the waitress, Davis began to socialize with other guests. It was then that two goons in plain clothes approached Davis. One of the private billy-clubs was Gus Chacon. Chacon demanded that Davis leave the establishment immediately. "Why" Davis Asked. Chacon simply repeated his demand. Again Davis asked, "Why?" Rather than explain the reason he wanted Davis to leave the party, Chacon and his cohort reached for Davis's arms. The two goons grabbed Davis and attempted to forcibly remove him. Apparently not happy that Davis would resist the physical assault, Chacon began to choke Davis. The security thugs then wrestled Davis to the floor. It was not until one of the event guests came to Davis's assistance that Scheer-Demme's jack-booted henchmen released Davis. One of the henchmen had to be physically restrained to prevent harm from assaulting Davis for a second time.

"Too hip for her own good or too full of herself"? Ouch, legal kitten's got claws. And potentially Tropicana buzz-killing accusations aside, we have to admit, we're pretty impressed at how many synonyms for "goons" Davis's lawyers squeezed into these two short paragraphs.