Blogorrhea NYC: We'll Be Getting Our Swatches Out Next
• Three makes a trend, and so the '80s are now definitely back: Madonna has a new album, Jennifer Beals is a star again, and the debate over the Brooklyn Heights waterfront rages as it did in 1985. [Brownstoner]
• When we want to hear the same joke repeated ad naseum, we usually just turn on UPN. But a live, improv version of The Aristocrats seems like a fun alternative. [BlogChelsea]
• You know how Bloomberg left those last-minute flyers on your front door with the Times talking about how much they like him. Well — unsurprisingly — he also left out some of what that editor had to say. [Englishman in New York]
• Because nothing says "fun, entertaining cubicle reading" like the Global Health Summit, being held in Manhattan this week, the good folks at Time decided to blog the entire event. [The 2005 Global Health Summit Blog]