John Lesher: Master Of Hugs

It's official: Endeavor agent John Lesher is taking over Paramount Classics, touching off the inevitable discussion about whether or not it's a good idea to put someone with no actual "experience" making movies in charge of a studio that "makes movies." We do know one area in which Lesher's bonafides are unimpeachable: hugging. A quick stroll through WireImage reveals that the man is a master in the art of the Hollywood clinch, pulling off manly one-arms, full-body smothers, reclined reacharounds, and the high degree-of-difficulty "four-man flying wedge" (top left). With these estimable people-smothering skills, we have no doubt he'll make a fine studio executive.
Oh, if you don't know what Lesher looks like, um, he's the one in the suit.