The Selected Works of Peter Braunstein

We're finding out more and more about alleged rapist Peter Braunstein — the former Women's Wear Daily and Village Voice writer who, after a few years of stalking ex-girlfriend and W beauty editor Jane Larkworthy, seems to have turned his sick-ass gaze on one of Larkworthy's former co-workers, who he brutally attacked on Halloween.
Interesting tidbit: The jheri-curled Braunstein wrote WWD's Memo Pad with deep-throater Jacob Bernstein for some time. Bernstein, having thankfully escaped his time with Braunstein unscathed, couldn't comment, but we hear that during his days at the daily fashion mag, Braunstein was known to dress quite horribly, in non-ironic 70's kitsch. So, you know, the warning signs were there.
Meanwhile, other hints to Braunstein's nature could be found on his blog (cockteasing info about which can be found here, but we've yet to dig up the original site) and by looking at a few of his published pieces:
• The Last Days of Gay Disco: The current disco revival conceals its homo soul
• Star Crossed (on Internet celebrity stalking)
And, our personal favorite, not available online:
• Sex, Snuff + Sadism: Haunted by personal demons, the '70s fashion photographer Guy Bourdin evoked a netherworld of sexuality and misogynist angst. Sex remains a staple of fashion photography, but is the subject now more pastiche than passion?
Sigh. This is exactly why you Google a person before the first date.
Earlier: Peter Braunstein, Halloween Rape, and the 'W' Magazine Connection