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Oh, election morning. That heady mix of anticipation and dread. The uplifting possibility that the good guys might, finally, win, and the pit-of-the-stomach terror that the bad guys will win again and become even smugger. All that armchair Russerting — "It's a beautiful day — easier for people to turn out!" "A packed West Village polling place shows the Dems are excited!" "The college kids seem to care, and that can only be good for us!" "A friend's ex-boyfriend whose roommate works for the campaign is hearing good numbers!" All that waiting for Wolf Blitzer to yell the results at us as they come in. It's seat-of-our-pants drama, is what it is.

Then, of course, there's this election. In which the most recent Quinnipiac poll has Bloomberg up 68-30, and the most recent Marist poll has him up 64-30.

So all that suspense? It's just over whether Bloomberg will win by more or less than 35 points. Good work there, Freddy.

Earlier: New York Politics