Today on Today: 50 Cent Gets Rich, Doesn't Really Think One Should Die Trying

The Today show just had a strange interview with controversial rapper 50 Cent, filmed at his 52-room mansion in Farmington, Connecticut (ghetto dreams only come true in WASPy enclaves). After Katie Couric awkwardly introduced the footage from his "crib," a correspondent did her damnedest to illustrate how 50 had cultivated an empire based on "his gangsta image." The entire segment was rather uneventful, save for this final interaction:
50 Cent: I scare people. For $16.99, they buy my cd and I scare them.
Today: But it's not real.
50 Cent: That's my job.
And just like that, those 9 bullets of street cred are lost in the Connecticut breeze.