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It's been a losing battle for Jennifer Aniston to veer her recent spate of promotional interviews towards the topic of her new movie, the aptly-titled Derailed. Instead, she is predictably bombarded with endless questions about the obvious subjects: Brad Pitt, Vince Vaughn, Vince & Brad, Brad & Vince, plus the occasional curveball (Jake? Oprah?). In order to make sense of it all, a heart-healing round-up:

· On a Live interview, Larry King goes into yenta-overdrive: "Vince Vaughn, I love him...He's a national treasure...Is it serious?" A tight-lipped Aniston's only response: "I'm not talking about it."
· Fate, in the guise of some bullshit awards show, reunites Jennifer with her Good Girl co-star Jake Gyllenhaal, as she presents him with the Breakthrough Actor of the Year statue. Or was it more than fate? Star reports that the all-grown-up-now Jake "actually requested her." Sorry folks, back to the Toothy Tile-drawing board!
· Appearing on Letterman last night, Dave gives Aniston a hard time about her recent sleepover at Oprah's house, to which she replies, "If you invited me, I'd come to your house." According to this biorhythm-compatibility map, the evening could have potential.

· Talking to Diane Sawyer this morning on Good Morning America, Aniston reveals that she and Pitt are still on speaking terms, and that she's at a good place with regards to the two-timing motherfucker: "[I] know what feels good, and it doesn't feel good to harbor anger and resentment."
· British website Female First boldly reports (easy for them, way over in Fish n' Chips-land) that Vaughn has moved into Aniston's new Malibu rental: "'Vince sold his place a month ago and has been staying at Jen's since then,'" a source reports, leaving off the part about how it will facilitate future impromptu photo ops. His various, jilted male lovers refused comment.