Mazel Tov, Various Other 20-or-30-Something Jewish New Yorkers!
Oh, but it's not just blogent Kate Lee. (Get it? "Blogent," combining "blog" and "agent"? Nah, we didn't think so either. Oh well.) Plenty of other random Jews you either know or know of or wish you knew or wish you didn't know of have their bar and bat mitzvah pictures in Bar Mitzvah Disco.
Like, say, every Jewish man's favorite hipster comedian, Sarah Silverman:

After the jump, your chance to watch as masturbatory literary guinea pig A.J. Jacobs, masturbatory (but in a different way) humor columnist Joel Stein, hotshot party promoter Noah Tepperberg, hotshot DJ Mark Ronson, and hotshot (and moderately masturbatory) author Jonathan Safran Foer all become men.