Gossip Roundup: 50 Cent Too Polite to be Gangsta

• 50 Cent shows up to the premiere of his movie with a 30-member posse, the members of which he politely attempts to introduce, individually, to red carpet reporters. See? We told you he was nothing but a thug poseur. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
• Because marrying Jordan Catalano is every young woman's dream, Lindsay Lohan is eager to wed beau Jared Leto, who taught her how to eat again. [Scoop]
• Matthew McConaughey is rumored to have landed the role of People magazine's Sexiest Man With Hairplugs Alive. [Page Six]
• Actress Halle Berry is sleeping with her boyfriend, so she must be pregnant. [R&M]
• Most disturbing sighting ever: "Joe (father of Michael) Jackson at Bruno Jamais' supper club with Jocelyn Wildenstein promoting his reality TV show, 'Hip-Hop Boot Camp.'" [Page Six]