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Even if occasionally he needs to turn elsewhere for some of life's little comforts, Kevin Spacey is nonetheless a huge fan of his adopted hometown, London. And the feeling is mutual so much so that Spacey has had to invent a device by which he could satisfy his many fans' requests for autographs without the inconvenience of having to look at their faces or speak to them. He calls his little contraption a glory hole an autograph flap!

Kevin Spacey has installed an 'autograph' flap at London's Old Vic theatre, so he can safely meet and greet fans following performances there.[...]

Spacey's celebrity has drawn huge crowds to watch his plays, many of whom pack the stage door desperate for a glimpse of the star or his autograph. The scale of his support has grown so much he has now fitted a clever contraption that allows him to reach out to the crowd and grab programs and scraps of paper to sign without greeting fans in person.

A source tells London newspaper the Evening Standard, "The flap was installed last week. Kevin loves it. He signs autographs between 10.30pm and 10.45pm. Not only does it make autograph-signing much less hassle but he also feels safer as he doesn't have to open the stage door."

While there certainly have been more buzzed-about celebrity flaps in recent weeks, none have captured our hearts quite as much as this one. The image of a starry-eyed, young admirer placing his program and pen—his "goodies," if you will—in Spacey's glory-hole autograph-flap, watching them disappear momentarily, then waiting excitedly for them to be pushed back out when the deed is performed to completion, is as heart warming a celebrity-fan interaction as we can conjure.