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From the Every Time Paris Hilton Farts, A Thousand Gossip Item Angels Get Their Wings Dept: Nicole Richie is all OMG! That whore Paris is like, totally calling me in the middle of the night and flushing the toilet! Ewwww! What a bitch:

“Nicole has been getting phony phone calls very late at night, practically every night, and she suspects the culprit is her ex-best friend,” reports the forthcoming issue of In Touch Weekly. “Nicole doesn't have proof, but she's almost sure it’s Paris,” a friend told the mag.

We can't help but think that blaming Paris is just a defense mechanism, subconsciously designed to save her from the ugly possibility that her dealer is not a very nice person. She's already lost her best friend, and her fragile self-image couldn't handle it if she discovered that only other person she thought she could truly trust betrayed her. Think we're just playing dime-store psychologist? It's all right there in the novel, where anyone brave enough to handle the truth about diamonds can read it.