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Wherein we invite our readers to strand themselves on humpy E! gossip-castaway Ted Casablanca's desert island of sun-bleached prose and guess the identity of his blind item. Today, Ted abandons the relatively cheery world of cocaine abuse for the darker territory between a certain actress's toes. Tie off One Needling Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Gloria Good-Hag has a great career. She's also quite adept at bedding her leading men, most notably Bill Bisexual (Gloria's most recent 300-count-style notch). But is it the dudes who interest the lithe sexpot the most? No way. And no—this ain't yet another homo-laden nooky story—it's not the girls, either, who do it for Glor. It's the horsies. Not the gambling kind, darlin's, the shoot-'em-up kind, as in smack. Horse. Heroin." Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT], and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post them later today.