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Los Angeles, it has been said, is a town built on dreams. And for three lucky body parts models, those dreams are about to come true:

*HAND MODELS WANTED & MOUTH DOUBLE for HUGH JACKMAN* We need to cast two hand doubles for one day of work on Nov 16 in LA:

One White Male - Left Handed Preferred.
One White Female - Needs to have calligraphy skills to replicate a
certain style which we will provide. (genesis quote attached)

Non-sag - The Pay is $350.00

Polaroids and/or hand modeling shots will need to be sent to NY for approval.

We also need to cast one "mouth double" for Hugh Jackman

This also pays 350.

This shoots on the 16th at panavision woodland hills

A rather unusual casting request, it conjures the image of some non-descript waiting room in the Valley, packed with disembodied sets of male lips nervously running through vocal scales and Peter Allen songs.

As for what is actually being shot, your guess is as good as ours. From the precious few clues made available a woman's hand, a calligraphic Genesis quote (the band? or the Bible?), and of course, Hugh Jackman's mouth the best we can come up with is that Brett Ratner has decided to take X Men 3 into gothic Celine Dion video territory.