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The lawyers are safely locked away in a supply closet, so we're ready to share your answers to today's blind item. Before moving on, reheat the spoon of One Needling Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Gloria Good-Hag has a great career. She's also quite adept at bedding her leading men, most notably Bill Bisexual (Gloria's most recent 300-count-style notch). But is it the dudes who interest the lithe sexpot the most? No way. And no—this ain't yet another homo-laden nooky story—it's not the girls, either, who do it for Glor. It's the horsies. Not the gambling kind, darlin's, the shoot-'em-up kind, as in smack. Horse. Heroin." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Kirsten Dunst eked out a plurality in your election for mayor of Trackmark Junction. At least three of you noted that Dunst was recently spotted buying prenatal vitamins, which we were informed is the discerning smack addict's method of restoring hair that's lost its lustre and shine because of too many rides on the horse. To which we say: What. EVER. Can't Kiki want nice hair without being accused of being a junkie? You people, we swear.

You say: Angelina Jolie, for reasons so obvious we won't bother going into them. She's a mom now, and how could she chase around Maddox's darling little mohawk if she's off nodding in the corner all the time? You people, we swear.

You say: Cameron Diaz, Brittany Murphy (oh, come on, she's never even seen coke!), Lindsay Lohan, Penelope Cruz, and Renee Zellweger.

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To:: Della Reese.

Please note that due to the flood of Dakota Fanning submissions, she's been officially retired from the Blind Item Guessing Game, joining Andy Dick in Memorial Item infamy. Congratulations, little princess, you're big time. And please, whatever you do, don't drink anything Andy gives you.