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Leave it to Andrew Hearst to inadvertently walk into perhaps the perfect downtown, information-age, post-crosstown bus Metropolitan Diary item:

So I stood there for a few minutes pondering what to do. I decided I'd wait until right after the next express train left the station and then recruit a couple of strong men to spot me as I jumped down. I waited five minutes, then ten, before realizing that all express trains were apparently being routed to the local track. And then I spotted my opportunity: A very tall man, maybe six-foot-six, walked by with a burly friend. I approached them and sheepishly asked if they'd help me up from the tracks after I'd retrieved my iPod. But without any prompting from me, the tall guy simply jumped down to the tracks, grabbed the iPod, and hoisted himself back up. I thanked him, and as he and his friend started to walk away, I pulled out my wallet so I could give him a twenty or something. But he refused. Thanks, iPod Man, whoever you are.

All that, without skipping a beat.

I Love My iPod, But Not Enough to Die for It [Panopticist]