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Our invitation must've been lost in the mail, but thanks to the generosity of our readers, we now know the not-so-secret location of Tara Reid's wrap party for her 20s. Given the guest of honor's legendary contributions to the alcoholic arts, the event's planners were forced to tap the deepest recesses of their creative faculties to come up with new twists on the typical Hollywood say-goodbye-to-your-earning-years bacchanalia. Their proudest creation is a custom-built, Swarovski crystal-encrusted dunk tank designed to hold over 500 gallons of top-shelf vodka. Once all the guests have arrived, Reid will take her place inside the tank, and parytgoers will hurl dodgeballs at a stop sign-sized target, plunging the giggling birthday girl into the 80 proof spirits below over and over again. After a few dunk-cycles, limes may be added for taste.

It's going to be a very special night indeed. We sincerely regret that we've already made other plans.