A City of 8 Million People, All With Their Eyes Closed

It's now been two weeks since former Womens Wear Daily and Voice writer Peter Braunstein, disguised as a fireman, allegedly broke into the home of a former coworker and sexually abused her for nearly 13 hours and, despite the belief that he is still in the area, authorities have yet to apprehend their top suspect. Instead, we're getting accounts of coming "this close" to bringing down Braunstein (He was almost caught in Chelsea! They nearly had him in Queens!), as if that's supposed to make anyone feel any better.
So, while we all twiddle our thumbs and wait for the law to do its thing, the media is left with only two options: dangling sordid details to hold our attention (he shackled his victim's legs and took a nap with her, while today's Page Six all but names the victim) or meta-media analysis (blogs are insensitive, as we are wont to be). And while we could sadly read about this stuff all day, we're really just ready to see the NYPD bring in Braunstein. Can't they catch him with a big butterfly net or something?