Doily Bitten: Martha's Apprentice Cancelled

In the end, it was Martha Stewart herself who "just didn't fit in," or "needs to leave now," or "sorry, it just isn't working out," or...what was her kiss-off phrase, anyway? If she had just listened to us and used "Bite the doily," she might not have found herself the latest addition to the NBC compost heap:
It s a fade out for The Apprentice: Martha Stewart after next month s finale.
Sources said that NBC has passed on ordering another round of episodes of the Stewart-hosted edition of The Apprentice, which has struggled in the ratings since its Sept. 21 premiere. A spokesman for NBC stressed Sunday that the show always had been scheduled to run for only one cycle.
The end of The Apprentice: Martha does not officially ring the death knell for Marthamania; her syndicated daytime show Martha still has a few months of stiff, uncomfortable celebrity interactions in it at least. But hang in there; once that inevitable cancellation is announced, we can all go back to the comfiness of hating her again and forget this regrettably compassionate chapter of American history ever took place.