Katie Holmes, Stay At Home Mom

Because we're in the business of breathlessly passing along all Katie Holmes-related news, especially items pertaining to the career-strangling Miracle Baby now growing in her womb, we present this tidbit from the always-reliable British tabloid press:
A pal tells me: “Katie has decided to give up acting altogether. She’s been telling friends that she and Tom have decided it is best she stays at home and brings up their new baby.
“Her decision is raising a lot of eyebrows in Hollywood.
“She is at the perfect age for so many screen roles and has completely closed the door on a promising career.”
Indeed, producers who owe Cruise favors or want to do business with him in the future are probably just devastated that they can't have Katie, Tom, the new baby, two hundred paparazzi, a dozen Scientology "best friends" in matching, nautical-themed sweater sets, and a shanty town of assist tents on their movie set.