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TimeWarner crapped all over our afternoon yesterday, meaning we were unable to get to the following minutae. We're sorry for inconveniencing your ADD.

• When faced with $20 million in Hamptons property sans shelter, Howard Stern does the right thing: he buys his neighbor's house. [Curbed]
• Arianna Huffington, Ahmad Chalabi, and John Cusack walk into a bar... [HuffPo]
• Where the hell is Astor Place's Alamo Cube? Did Matt Lauer leave it in Shanghai or something? Or is the cube scared of the shadows of undulating towers? [Gothamist]
• The East Village, what was and is. [NYT]
• London finally gets in on the Peter Braunstein mania: the Sunday Mirror's front page depicts the accused sexual deviant as a Kate Moss stalker. [Mirror UK]