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Poor Lola Oguinnake. Not two weeks ago, the mean editors at the Times made her report an entire story on Chelsea hell-den Marquee; now they've gone and forced her to exert her talent on the subject of Nicole Richie and her new book, The Truth About Diamonds. (Disclaimer: We read the tome in a single sitting. It's that bad/good.) Richie insists that she's authored Diamonds all by her lonesome, but we're not so sure we buy it. Case in point, from page 22:

When Chloe learned that her man was double-dipping with the likes of Ana (and that he liked dressing up in Ana's panties, according to a blind item on — the only part of the story Joey convincingly denied), she'd been devastated, embarrassed, and grossed out. Ha, that's one funny ghostwriter!

Nicole Richie, Famous for Her Fame, and Now for a Book [NYT]
Earlier: The Nicole Richie Book Club