Blogorrhea NYC: Next Time, God Willing, She'll Pass Out Before She Gets to the Club
• If even the DJ at Misshapes is driven to drink herself unconscious, shouldn't that be a statement on how terrible the music is? [Sarah's So Boring Ever Since She Stopped Drinking]
• We always thought the greatest show on earth involved clowns running around pretending to hit people, not beating them with plungers. Seems we were mistaken. [The Spunker]
• Given the number of people who have pulled knives on us in this city, we're sure we think public knife-skills courses are a good idea. Some, however, feel otherwise. [BlogChelsea]
• Coming soon to the Strand's "Fiction Specials" table: Belle in the Big City. [Belle in the Big City]
• As if Katie Holmes isn't enough, the Scientologists are now preying on other children, too. [Cityrag]
• Pick your favorite King Kong to accost the Empire State Building during the movie's inevitable promotional blitz. [The Reeler]