More Than You Ever Wanted to Hear From Martha Stewart and Family

Afraid the cancellation of Martha Stewart's version of Time Apprentice will leave you with insufficient amounts of the domestic diva in your day? Well, you can worry no more:
NEW YORK - November 16, 2005 - SIRIUS Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI) and Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. (NYSE: MSO) announced today the initial programming details for Martha Stewart Living Radio, which will debut November 21st on SIRIUS channel 112. The 24-hour-a-day, seven day-a-week channel, delivering "how-to" guidance and advice from America's most trusted lifestyle experts at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, will inspire and inform.
You got that, folks? It's 24/7 Martha. Yippee!
And, even better, it's not just Martha:
Martha is not the only Stewart on the MSLR schedule. Martha's daughter, Alexis Stewart, is teaming with Jennifer Koppelman Hutt, daughter of Charles Koppelman, Chairman of the Board of MSLO, to co-host "Whatever," a daily talk show (12-2pm ET) on topics ranging from pop culture to personal relationships. They will talk openly and humorously about "whatever" they're thinking, reading, or hearing about, and Martha expects to frequently call in to offer her perspective and compare notes on weekend adventures.
Don't they sound nutty, those Whatever gals?
Oh, wait. Actually, they do sound nutty. At least according to BusinessWeek's David Kelly, who caught a soft-launch broadcast of Whatever one night last week:
In one hour, Alexis complained in detail about not knowing what do or how to act on The Apprentice, confessed that she had slept with the cameraman assigned to shoot her, and had experimented with lesbianism. She certainly seemed and sounded serious about all of it.
Eh, whatever.