Though we long ago buried our relationship with the dilapidated New York Press, apparently someone at the Times is still dutifully reading the alt-weekly (perhaps hoping for a miracle). Thus, in Patrick Healy's November 6th article, New York Press gets a mention for endorsing Democratic punching bag Ferrer — but not to the pleasure of Press editors. In their latest issue, the Press writes:

New York Press was improperly referred to as "The New York Press," and mischaracterized in a piece that accompanied Patrick Healy's November 6 New York Times article ("For the City's Democrats, a Grim Future Could Last Long Beyond Tuesday").

While New York Press did endorse Fernando Ferrer for mayor, as the article indicated, the entire piece was written tongue-in-cheek. [...] Maybe The New York Times sees nothing suspicious or even funny when an alternative weekly writes, "We're honored to add our name to this list [of endorsements], and offer the all-important escort-seeking demographic."
In any event, we look forward to your correction and the subsequent restoration of our previously untarnished reputation.

Now we'll wait for the Times to issue a very serious correction, as well as a formal announcement of the death of humor on 43rd.

No, Seriously It Was Funny [NY Press]