Breaking: Peter Braunstein in Cobble Hill?

Just moments ago, a reader writes in:
I took the day off from my magazine in order to avoid doing any reporting, and here I am filing a dispatch. Right now, there are about six of those regulation-white news vans parked along Court St. in Cobble Hill, and gaggle of reporters are standing across the street from the stupidly named Bococa Caf , where Peter Braunstein was apparently spotted this morning.
It must have been a while ago; when my husband and I left this morning just before 9 am, four helicopters hovered over the neighborhood, which made us a bit tense; we figured it had to be something pretty significant. We were further unnerved by the two fighter jets we spotted way, way, way up, which made the pretty blue sky seem packed with ominous flying objects. Now, of course, I can say with relief, "Whew! It was just the rapist."
On a side note, a beat cop walked up to one of the cameramen and asked what was going on. The cameraman gave him the 411. I love when the media fill in the fuzz. Doesn't the cop have a freaking radio?
Perhaps that's why the manhunt has taken so long. Developing, we hope.
Update: NY1 reports that no arrests have been made. But if only the cameraman had a warrant!