Trade Round-Up: Dan Glickman Calls For Strike Against China

· Networks and studios mull possibility of "suing the living shit" out of TiVo for allowing users to transfer recorded programs to their iPods or PSPs, at least until they figure out how to cut themselves in on the action. [Variety]
· Testifying before a panel of Senators at the Museum of TV and Radio in Beverly Hills, MPAA head Dan Glickman blamed the Chinese government's restrictions on foreign entertainment product for creating "a marketplace vacuum that pirates are only too happy to fill." Glickman then implored the Senators to launch an immediate nuclear strike on the nation to "wipe out Chinese counterfeit DVDs...forever!" [THR]
· Confident that housewives will welcome a break from the relentless presentation of cheap, made-for-TV movies about domestic violence and eating disorders, Lifetime shells out over $1.35 million an episode for Medium reruns. [Variety]
· Hillary Clinton's presentation of an award to the most powerful woman in the world (Oprah, duh) brings welcome buzz to the International Emmy Awards. [Variety]
· NBC Universal demotes struggling network Trio to broadband, still working on the technology that will allow them to upload struggling president Kevin Reilly onto one of its new servers. [THR]