The Alessandra Stanley Watch: You Say She's Lazy

So what's wrong with Alessandra Stanley? Why is the accomplished Times reporter such a error-prone disaster as TV critic? We're confused by the whole thing, so we turned to you for guidance.
And the wisdom of this crowd: She's just really lazy.
By a comfortable margin, "She's too lazy to do her research" was the winning explanation for why Stanley is so consistently factually inaccurate in her TV columns. Second place, however, was a bit of a squeaker, with a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome eking out runner-up status by a mere 10 votes over "She's waging a passive-aggressive protest against the TV beat."
Laziness, of course, is really the worst possible answer. Because unless there's some deeper excuse — no Internet on computer after latest Times cutbacks, let's say, or Asperger's — you'd really think she'd finally start to be more vigilant after having been so wrong for so long.
Of course, if she were, that'd be much less fun for us. So never mind.
Full results after the jump.
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