Peter Braunstein Has Strong Media Ethics
A reader remembered this entry on the Mediabistro bulletin boards from two years ago. It was posted by user "peterbraunstein."
for those who haven't seen the NY Post media column today, Jason Blair has been assigned to write two articles - one for esquire, one for Jane mag. the esquire thing doesn't surprise me, that magazine's circ has been static since like 1998, but I thought more highly of Jane.
for those still on the fence, consider joining AIM: Americans for Integrity in Media. We want to ensure that Blair never gets a paying gig again in this town. email us at or call Fairchild/Jane at 212-630-4000 or Hearst at 649-2000 and register your outrage.
It would seem Braunstein's definition of "integrity in media" had some loopholes.
Blair Gets Writing Gigs, You Don't [MB BBS]