Team Party Crash: Sending Kruc Off

The question has been showing up here and there recently: What ever happened to Andrew Krucoff?
First, the backstory: Krucoff is, as you may have heard, currently unemployed. He's also Jewish, but only nominally. He's currently dating a sexy and sassy jack modern-ortho chick, who has piqued his interest in making his Judaism at least slightly more than just nominal. And he likes to travel.
Mash that all up like a big bowl of chopped liver, and you get your answer? Kruc's leaving for Israel.
He successfully conned some educational group into funding his trip, and he launched, natch, a limited-edition new blog, and so he's jetting off to Ben Gurion Saturday. He'll be Jewing himself up for a month or so — perhaps being brainwashed into rightwing Zionism while he's at it — and you can read all about it at
You can even donate to the cause, too, if you want. (Visa and MasterCard accepted!) Though God knows why you would. Tout le New York bloggers hit the Krucoff sendoff at Lolita last night, where instead they simply donated a few drinks.
Photos of the festivities, by non-Semitic Gawker photog Nikola Tamindzic, await after the jump. But you'll have to figure out who everyone is on your own. Because we had far too many of those aforementioned drinks to even think about writing captions.
Next week in Jerusalem!