Short Ends: Closure: Gregory Peck's Star Replaced

· Gregory Peck's pilfered Walk of Fame star has already been replaced, with honorary mayor Johnny Grant generously offering to look the other way should the guilt-wracked thieves decide to return it. We really don't agree with this course of action, for we've always believed that it is more important for a fake mayor to be feared than loved.
· We find ourselves in the strange position of leaping to Tara Reid's defense, but we have to say it: We're pretty sure those are the old new boobs, not new new boobs.
· Tom Cruise, amazed by the fantastical Far East talking machine known as the "cell phone," demonstrates his amazing mastery of Chinese: "Hello. Xie xie. Ni hao. How are you?" Legal clarification: By linking to this story, Defamer does not intend to suggest that Mr. Cruise "goes around talking Chinese all day to anyone who will listen."
· This rendering of a NYT-controlled Gawker is probably the most brilliant thing we have seen in years.
· Wendie Jo Sperber, star of Bosom Buddies, one of the favorite sitcoms of our youth (really—even the opening credits, set to Billy Joel's "My Life," crack us up), has died of breast cancer. There's a very nice sentiment from Tom Hanks in the story, but the best tribute he could pay would be to let someone finally air Buddies again.*
*A number of you have reminded us that Bosom Buddies is airing on TBS. Our V-chip must block that channel. We regret the error.