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The LAT reports that retired Disney CEO Michael Eisner has had some informal, "Hey, at an unspecified date in the future, maybe you and I can get together and build a rival media company once my lawyers are satisfied that a court will find such future partnerships don't violate my severance deal" chats with a couple of his former lieutenants, but still hasn't made up his mind about his much-chattered-about next step. So why can't the set-up-for-untold- generations former mogul just fill his infinity pool with hundred dollar bills, pull up a deck chair, and watch as the crisp bills flutter placidly over the edge and out of sight? Because retirement is, like, totally boring:

Eisner has said publicly that he plans to stick to what he knows best: "the nitty-gritty of the creative process." Golf holds no interest. Neither does lounging by the beach.

Not surprisingly, in recent weeks Eisner has asked his retired friends what they do all day, confiding in one that after working out and reading the paper in the morning, he's at a loss for how to spend his time.

Control-freak, empire-building habits die hard, and with hundreds of millions of dollars practically begging to be dumped into a new media venture, it's just too painful to contemplate spending his twilight years slathered in sunscreen on his section of Malibu beach, reading the trades, and waiting for the Reaper to tickle him behind the Mickey ears.