The Fake Cruise-Holmes Wedding Registry

Pretty much any prankster with a keyboard and a rudimentary ability to fill out web forms can whip up a fake online celebrity-wedding registry, but it seems that the British Sun really, really wanted to believe that the "top secret" Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes Neiman Marcus gift list (complete with Oct. 21, 2006 D-date) was the real deal. The entire Neiman registry site is now down, but the JustJared blog
preserved the page, allowing us all to window-shop for the usual collection of crystal, table settings, and linens that the gazillionaire lovers certainly need. Unfortunately, Neiman Marcus seems woefully unprepared for the eventuality of a genuine Cruise-Holmes registry, as nary a platinum-plated e-meter, the perfect gift for the pseudospiritual, psychiatry-eschewing couple who have everything, can be found.