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Join us once again in this moving moment of heartfelt thanks to this week's sponsors, whose sweet, sweet money keeps us out of (at least twice a week, anyway) the breadline. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and cause seething resentment in your soon-to-be bankrupt competitors, see this page.

· Nordstrom
Rockstar Games The Warriors
American Apparel
Green Day
Svedka Vodka

Contest time!

Win a free iPod Nano from VH1
Because VH1 is all hot to get your key-demographic eyeballs to their "Big in 05" special on Sunday, they're sponsoring a contest that will make a lucky Defamer reader one iPod Nano richer.

On Sunday, VH1's "drops" (as the kids say) its "Big in '05" awards show, and they want to tap into your hott hindsight-meters to gauge what was, obviously, Big in 2005. So vote in the poll below, and you'll be prompted to submit your e-mail to be entered in a drawing for a free iPod Nano, courtesy of VH1.

Does your pick match VH1's? Tune into the "Big in '05" broadcast Sunday night, at 8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central and find out.

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