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Hundreds of literature-loving Memphis hearts were broken yesterday when the well-publicized Truth About Diamonds book signing by author and talent-haver Nicole Richie (sans ghostwriter) was abruptly cancelled, "Due to Illness." Blagg Blogg took the news particularly hard, and snapped the sad picture above left. Of course, we were all deeply concerned for Ms. Richie's well being, and had begun to wonder if father Lionel was perhaps not quite as "on the case" as he had promised to be.

Well, we have hugely relieving news: Blagg Blogg updates us that Nicole's "illness" was nothing more than a mild case of red carpetitis, which flared up at last night's GQ Man of the Year Awards, and was quickly brought under control when a couple hundred paparazzi flashbulbs went off in her face. In recognition of her affliction, we will be wearing a loop of red carpet swatch on our lapels until a permanent cure is found.