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Let's not waste any more of our short time together before the weekend and get right to your responses to today's guessing game. But first, take another sip from the cup of One Stunted, Surly Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "I'm so over my high school days that I don't even know where my friggin' yearbook is. Aren't you? Well, you me and Drew Barrymore are all prolly more adjusted than former teen heartthrob Jumbo Jackoff. Girls crushed on him. Guys secretly wanted to dress like him. And moms were like, eh, he's not exactly David Cassidy, but he's okay." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: In what might be the closest balloting in the storied history of the Blind Item Guessing Game, Mark-Paul Gosselaar snatched a last-second victory from the jaws of defeat. Something about the combination of the hyphen in Gosselaar's first name and the almost preternatural smugness he brought to the iconic role of Saved by the Bell's Zack Morris set off your jerk-alarm. And it probably didn't help that his current Commander in Chief character is named "Dickie," either.

You say: Rick Schroeder lost a photo-finish, but perhaps even more remarkable than how close a race he ran was how angry his apparently haughty insistence on dropping the "y" from the end of his first name made all of you. Wow. You people can really hold a grudge. Must be rooted in jealousy over that totally neat-o train he had running through his house in Silver Spoons.

You also say: In rough order of finish: Mark Wahlberg, Kirk Cameron, Shaun Cassidy, John Cusack, Anthony Michael Hall, Dustin Diamond, Jason Bateman, Jonathan Lipnicki, Patrick "Loverboy" Dempsey, Jaleel White, Scott Baio, and Scott "Mallory's Boyfriend" Valentine.

My, we're all very angry with the 80's today, aren't we?

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Alf.

Thanks to everyone for playing!