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We're only at part two today of the Times's four-part series on "India Accelerating," and we admit we're finding it a bit tough to continue fighting our way through. (Untold thousands of words on highways in the metro area would be tough enough; untold thousands of words on highways we'll likely never drive on becomes a much larger problem.)

But, thankfully, Times editors bury small prizes — Easter eggs, if you will — inside series like these, to keep you reading. Our favorite thus far in this series appeared yesterday:

In India roads have been public spaces, home to the logical chaos that governs so much of life. They have been commas, not periods, pauses, not breaks.

Whereas we've always thought of the autoroute from Paris to Marseilles as a circumflex. And the LIE, bless it heart? Ellipses, naturally. Lots and lots of ellipses.

Mile by Mile, India Paves a Smoother Route to Its Future [NYT]
Earlier: Bugging the 'Times'