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· The LAT gives some front-page Calendar section love to "Peggy Archer," the pseudonymous set-dwelling. lighting-tech troublemaker behind the Totally Unauthorized blog, one of our favorites.
· "Listen here, Mr. Dreamy Eyes, I don't care if Heath didn't brush his teeth this morning. Plug your nose and kiss that cowboy like your life depends on it! I'm gonna get that Oscar nomination even if it makes your damn lips fall off."
· "'I went through some very lonely times,' the King Kong star said while promoting the movie. 'I spent a lot of time in my car crying my eyes out. One night, I drove along thinking, maybe I’ll take a left here, over the cliff, because I can’t take it any more.'” Then Naomi Watts remembered that was just a scene from Mulholland Drive, not her real life, and everything was fine again.
· Kirsten Dunst turned out for Saturday's USC-UCLA massacre.
· Leonardo DiCaprio produces a film about global warming, finally attains the coveted media honorific "actor-activist."