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Professional ice hockey has had a time of it lately, still trying to play catch up after last season's disastrous labor strike and a steadily dwindling US audience. Forced to get creative, the NHL has pinned its hopes on the celebrity blog musings of one Elisha Cuthbert, who in her Hollywood Hockey Thoughts blog bio on, calls herself "just an actress who loves the sport and does not play — but that doesn't mean I can't talk about it!" And no pom-pom waving arctic bunny she; this former Montrealer (we knew there was something we liked about this girl, despite the fact that she conveniently abandoned her hometown Canadiens for the LA Kings) is an insightful fan! Take for example her reasoned treatise on the art of booing turncoat players:

I'm going to be really honest, I boo, and I'm not going to lie about it. If another team scores and I'm not happy about it, you bet I'm going to start booing! If a penalty is called that I don't think is fair or if someone hits one of our guys, and it was dirty, again, I'm going to boo.

Although, recently I've been noticing some interesting booing going on and maybe you guys have too. How about when a player leaves a team and everyone's upset about it? Here's an example and a reason why I'm not sure if I'm all in to it! Last night against Colorado we remembered Ian Laperriere and his amazing years with the LA Kings, the fans cheered, and we let him play his game. In contrast, we see a player like Rob Blake, who also played for the Kings. Yet, we boo him every time he gets the puck. I understand why, their situations are very different. I just think we should boo when he comes out, let him know we're there, how we feel and let him play his game. Just a little modification that's all.

With the introduction of what sport historians will forever refer to as the "Cuthbert Booing Conservation Principle," we think it is safe to say the actress has once and for all reclaimed her image from the tarnished, wrinkled squalor of the Las Vegas hooker handbill advertising her pouty services for just $47 an hour.