Gawker Media Continues to Set World's News Agenda

Here's lovably starstruck little brother Defamer on Tuesday, joking about the forthcoming ABC Holocaust miniseries from Holocaust-denier Mel Gibson:
While the baldfaced grab for controversy might seem utterly crass to us, ABC was powerless against the visionary Gibson's breathtaking pitch for the miniseries climactic scene, a Braveheart-style battle with thousands of Jewish and Nazi combatants rushing at each other across an open field.
And here's The Australian, Rupert Murdoch's national Australian broadsheet, reporting today on that same project:
Gibson's Con Artist Productions reportedly clinched the deal with a breathtaking pitch for a climactic "Braveheart-style" battle scene where thousands of Jewish and Nazi combatants rush at each other across an open field.
We know this sort of wild inaccuracy is never tolerated at News Corp., so we're sure they're putting together a blue-ribbon panel as we speak to get to the bottom of what went wrong. It'll be chaired by former vice-presidential candidate Dick Gephardt.
Australian Paper Discovers Blogs, Defamer Rewrites History [Defamer]
ABC Presents Mel Gibson's The Holocaust [Defamer]
Disown Your Dad's Denial of the Holocaust, Gibson Told [Australian]