Gossip Roundup: Where Shall Sienna Sleep Tonight?

• While public sentiment believes that actress Sienna Miller is patching up her romance with cheating tramp Jude Law, Miller was seen getting "cozy" with Leonardo DiCaprio at Bungalow 8. And as we all know, the walls at B8 never lie. [Scoop]
• Donald Trump stops just short of calling his pregnant wife Melania Knauss a big-titted "monster" on Howard Stern. Like mama said, money can't buy class. [Page Six]
• Danny Bonaduce will pose nude for Vanity Fair — because magazines don't really want to, like, sell copies or anything. [Lowdown]
• Token white rapper Eminem is set to rewed Kim Mathers, the coke-loving mother of his child. We can't wait till they divorce and he writes some more heartfelt songs about locking her in a trunk and killing her. [R&M]
• Jay-Z is being sued by former pro-wrestler Diamond Dallas Page for stealing his gang sign. [Page Six]