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Not satisfied to fall back on the utterly clichéd, "Are you exactly like your character/nothing like your character" publicity junket question, Reuters boldly inches forward into the somewhat less stale interrogatory frontier, asking The Family Stone star Sarah Jessica Parker if her new character is exactly like/nothing like (get ready for it) her Sex and the City character, Carrie Bradshaw. And the answer will Blow. Your. Mind:

"(Carrie) loved examining people and relationships. She loved this idea of human contact and looking and observing, and Meredith is completely the opposite. She would like not to be touched. She would like not to be hugged," said Parker.

Meredith is a cold-hearted cow, albeit a funny one. Gone are Parker's curly blond locks, and in their place is Meredith's pulled back bun. Parker's colorful outfits give way to Meredith's dark suits, slacks and sweaters.

The opposite! Yay! We'd hate to see an artist like Parker resting on her iconic, shoe-shopping, sassy-talking laurels. And bravo to The Family Stone's hair and wardrobe departments, who seem to have done a masterful job externalizing the character's inner turmoil through subtly taut hairstyles and appropriately drab bitchwear.