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Jenny Shimizu, occasional servicer of Angelina Jolie's extrahetero needs, offers the most evocative description of Jolie's iconic mouth we've ever heard:

"She is beautiful. Her mouth is amazing. I've never kissed anyone with a bigger mouth than Angelina. It's like two water beds - it's like this big kind of warm, mushy, beautiful thing."

Before you become mesmerized by the inevitable image of two entangled, writhing beauties enveloped by the sloshing opulence of twin water beds (or is that just us?) Jolie and Shimizu's connection is deeper than the typical fuck-buddy arrangement, as she reveals, "Whenever [Angelina] calls me up I visit her. It's not always the case that we have sex. Sometimes we go to her property in Cambodia and explore the jungle," where Shimizu is on retainer as a special hand-to-hand combat instructor for Jolie's orphan army training camp.